• Expanding Perspective

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Expanding Perspective

Chasing Curiosity

Synchronizing Insight

Rocks on Mars, with Frédéric Schmidt

If we may choose to believe that these rocks mean something wild and something beyond what we know to be possible - not that we should, but simply that we may - it can change absolutely everything.


[Not] Alone: The Grit of Evolution, with Alan Tenta & Taz Ramos

"I was happily willing to sacrifice the time for a chance at an incredible adventure and see how far I could push myself; it sounds odd, but I wanted to experience what it was like to suffer."


Noetic Archives, with Diane Powell Hennacy

"Our brains are our navigational tools for consciousness, but we don't all have the same apps."


Myths from the Machine, with Ken Liu

"Each time we make something, it’s an utterance to the universe of who we are"


Cosmic Perspectives, with Pablo Budassi

"Our observational abilities may already be branching out in a fractal sense. No matter how deeply we look into the cosmos, there will always be more to discover."


Evolving Evolution, with Michael Wong

"We can’t just confine evolution to biology, we have to expand it... because life as we know it is a dynamic system of all these different molecules playing together and reinforcing one another, keeping the entire system stable and able to resist perturbations, learning about its environment and being creative and curious."


Ordinance of Time, with Carlo Rovelli

“The ability to understand something before it’s observed is at the heart of scientific thinking.”


Paragons of Truth and Time

The dynamics of perspective through time; how differing points of reference can interact with their respective reality in completely different ways, each just as real as the next.

An increase in Time simultaneously increases the probability of Truth.


The Ultimacy of Unity [and The Dynamics of Deprivation], with Mark McCormack

"We are self-resilient, self-reliant. And an incredible capacity of which we can pay tribute to our ancestors for enduring incredibly difficult environmental circumstances and still pulling through for the species. I’m hoping to bring some of that honor back, because we are losing that."


On Cosmogenesis, with Brian Swimme

"There’s a primordial desire to know the nature of the reality we find ourselves in"


An Ageless Debate, with Rajendra Gupta

"We all have a quest to increase the scope of our knowledge... It does not mean what was done in the past was wrong or a mistake. It only means that every theory has its limitations. Extrapolating this, we could say that no theory or model is good for everything or forever."

Read [Developing Story]

Emissions of the Mind, with John Kruth

"If this effect was a result of entanglement, it is acting similar to other effects that have been described by quantum physicists. Though it is an anomaly which doesn’t fit into the materialistic model that has driven physics for centuries, it is clearly a repeatable and predictable phenomenon."


Slip Stream Consciousness, with Andrew Budson

“What is completely new about this theory is that it suggests we don’t perceive the world, make decisions, or perform actions directly. Instead, we do all these things unconsciously and then — about half a second later — consciously remember doing them.”



Lucid Biorhythmic Cadence

A new kind of flow state, synchronizing our neurochemical deployments, psychological states and physiological responsivity

Read here

Zero[+] Time

On why we’ve been counting in the wrong direction, and how to open our perspective of time as something that accumulates rather than diminishes

Read here

Field of [Lucid] Dreams, with David Saunders

"As far as the brain is concerned, actions performed within a dream are real actions... leading to measurable improvements in waking life."


Patterning the Fabric of the Cosmos, with Margaret Geller

"We were all in speechless awe when we saw it... what we now call the cosmic web, the pattern of thin filaments and walls of galaxies that defines our universe."


A Head of His Time, with Sergio Canavero

"I specialized in direct cortical stimulation. And when you elicit states of activation, you wonder how the heck is it possible that that smooth, rosy tissue can drive conscious states. However if you look at it as filtering consciousness and shaping it (personality, identity), then everything gets easier to follow."


Back In Orbit: The Debate Over 'Oumuamua, with Avi Loeb

"Given all we know, I would say that an artificial origin is still more plausible than the `natural origin' models proposed so far" - Avi Loeb, responding to the institutionalized skepticism of this symbolic interstellar anomaly.


Matters of the Mind, with Dawson Church

"Consciousness thus begins to shape neurological activity. Used consistently, the software of your mind creates the hardware of your brain."


Cosmic Death Rays, with Carolina Z. Vieria

"This is not sci-fi and fiction, this is quite real.  Although it seems our bodies and everything around us are made of strong and real matter, all of this condensed ‘matter’ is made of atoms that are pure energy with particular frequencies.  Our studies have found that our physiology and behavior are highly sensitive to exposures to natural solar activity-driven magnetic and electromagnetic radiation."


Currents of Consciousness, with Amit Goswami

“Consciousness is the agency that collapses the wave of a quantum object, which exists in potentia, making it an immanent particle in the world of manifestation.”


The Power of Creation, with Yann Martel

“That’s what fiction is about, isn’t it, the selective transforming of reality? The twisting of it to bring out its essence?”


7 Q's | 7 A's

MarsOne Astronaut; Ethical Hacker; Alaskan Dry-Cabin Resident; Israeli Military Officer; Former Ivory Poacher; Cognitive Neuroscientist; Health Reporter
